In this article we'll answer why the weight to lift is not specified in JRF workout programs.
So how much weight should you be lifting? No weight at all! That's right, you read that correctly, no weight at all! If you're a complete beginner or even just new to a particular exercise, begin with the lightest weight possible. For example, your body weight, or just the bar. If you cannot execute the movement properly without weight, how do you expect to execute it properly with weight? Always watch the demonstration videos and ensure you've perfected your technique before looking to add/increase the weight. If you cannot increase the weight without compromising on your technique then you should not be increasing the weight.
Let's assume you now have the technique side of things covered, you should now be looking to perform "true sets." A true set is where you're very near complete muscle failure by the time you come to the end of your set - whilst still maintaining correct technique of course! For example, let's say your JRF workout program requires you to complete a set of 12 reps, if you could do 13 reps the weight would be too light. Similarly, if you could do 5 reps the weight would be too heavy for maximum muscle-building. Anyone can just put a light weight on the bar and complete the desired number of reps, doing this is not a "true set."
To sum up, the reason we do not mention the weight is because we cannot safely do so without being there in person. Always warmup prior to exercise and always work towards being able to lift heavy, and executing "true sets," as lifting heavy weight using correct technique is what leads to muscle growth!
Safe lifting everybody!
Bill Geiger
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